看看bet3365标准版的名单 常见问题 如果你需要了解bet3365标准版的基本知识, 索赔及承保范围, 你在寻找会员信息, 成本和付款, 或者你只是有一般的唯有通过问题.
美国本土盾 was created in 1971 to help protect homeowners from the cost and inconvenience of unexpected breakdowns. 在这样做的过程中,bet3365标准版创立了bet3365标准版行业. 今天,凭借50多年的经验,bet3365标准版是bet3365标准版的领导者. bet3365标准版的目标是让房主感到自信,掌控自己的家园. We offer plans that cover the home systems and appliances we all rely on to keep our homes and lives running smoothly.
bet3365标准版的200万会员中的每一个都可以访问由数千个本地会员组成的全国网络, qualified repair Pros; coverage for key parts of home systems and appliances; additional coverage options and special discounts on home maintenance services; plus, 安心,预算保障. We pay more claims than the other guys — we paid $4 billion in home warranty claims in the last seven years, 确切地说. 唯有通过也涵盖旧的物品,无论它们的年龄如何,并提供30天的工艺保证.
bet3365标准版的计划起价是每天不到1美元. 你每月的bet3365标准版费用取决于几个因素:
欲了解更多信息,请参阅bet3365标准版的 成本的解释 页面.
覆盖多达23个家庭项目, 包括您每天依赖的系统和设备的部分. 更多具体信息,请参见bet3365标准版的 bet3365标准版包括什么? 页面.
销售:888.682.服务电话:800.858.1922年或作为会员,你可以参观 MyAccount 放置服务请求, 审查你的合同, 并获得各种家庭维修服务的特别会员优惠.
标准的bet3365标准版计划协议是12个月, 您的协议在您注册后30天生效. 这意味着您可以在注册后30天内提出第一次服务请求.
Once your coverage begins (30 days after sign-up), you can file a service request 24/7 online via MyAccount. 你也可以打833.706.2863提交服务请求.
No, bet3365标准版对承保修理的次数没有限制, 尽管有一些保险范围的限制和排除, 比如覆盖项目的限制, 可以申请.
Please review the Sample Plan Agreement for a specific list of coverage limitations and exclusions. 如果您是当前会员,您可以查看您的具体计划协议 MyAccount.
For a service request to be approved it must be for a covered item that has experienced a covered breakdown, 并且没有其他限制或排除适用. 看到 计划协议 有关保险详情,包括服务费、限制及除外事项. 未包括的项目可能会收取费用.
是的. bet3365标准版提供30天的质量保证, which means if you have an issue regarding your completed repair or replacement within 30-days of completion, bet3365标准版会免费送个专业的回去. 可以通过以下方式在线请求服务 MyAccount 或拨打833.706.2864. 请看样品 计划协议 欲知详情.
访问我的帐户注册. In MyAccount, 您可以轻松地放置服务请求, 查看合同, 并获得会员折扣的各种家庭维修服务.
当然. 你可以在你的计划生效后的60天内更改你的保险范围. 要更改您的计划,请拨打833.706.2868.
如果您已经在bet3365标准版这里设置了自动付款, we will send your next year's agreement at least 30 days before your current 计划协议 expires. 如果您没有设置自动付款, 您可以通过Log In与bet3365标准版联系以继续承保 MyAccount 或者拨打833.706.2869.
是的,您可以随时取消. 如果你取消了 计划协议 在投保的前30天内, we'll refund your agreement fees minus any service and claims incurred by 美国本土盾.
如果你取消了 计划协议 30天后, you'll receive a prorated refund of any agreement fees you paid for the rest of the agreement term, minus an administrative fee of up to one month's payment (where permitted by law) and any service or claims costs incurred by 美国本土盾. 条款可能因州而异. 详情请参阅计划协议样本.
请注意, 如果你要搬家, you can transfer the remainder of your plan to the new buyer and set up coverage for your new home. 拨打833.706.转让你们的保修期.
房主保险通常会保护你的房子免受可能发生的事情的影响, 像火, 盗窃或自然灾害. A home warranty helps protect your budget when covered components of home systems and appliances break down due to normal wear and tear. 如果你想了解更多, 看看这页关于房主保险和房屋担保的区别.
是的, you can easily purchase an 美国本土盾 home warranty for your rental property online at 027ajjz.com. 您必须是租赁物业的所有者才能购买bet3365标准版计划.
是的, but keep in mind that the coverage options and coverage provided may vary from state to state. 查看您所在州的样本 计划协议. 有关您所在州的保险范围的问题,请联系833.706.2867
美国本土盾 will assign a Pro from our network who specializes in the type of item and issue you are experiencing. 然后指定的专业人员会联系你. 在一些有限的情况下, 美国本土盾可能会让你选择自己的专业, 也称为外部授权. Unless 美国本土盾 offers you the Outside Authorization, you may not use your own Pro. 请参阅 计划协议 了解更多信息.
是的,你可以按月支付(没有额外的财务费用)或按年支付. 如果你想在每个月的某一天开始你的账单周期,请拨打833.706.2870. 你也可以用支票、信用卡或借记卡付款.
You'll pay a non-refundable service fee each time you place a service request for a covered item. 您将在购买计划时选择您的服务费用金额. 看到 计划协议 有关保险详情,包括服务费、限制及除外事项. 未包括的项目可能会收取费用.
是的, you'll get a $50 discount on coverage for each additional home (under 5,000 square feet).
根据具体情况,你可能会. 当你要求服务时,你会支付服务费. 除了, you may be responsible for any repair or service costs that aren’t covered by your home warranty. 看到 计划协议 有关保险详情,包括服务费、限制及除外事项. 未包括的项目可能会收取费用.
It's an annual home warranty plan that helps with the cost and hassle when your home systems and appliances break down.
bet3365标准版的房地产具体计划提供给购房者和卖家, 覆盖范围立即开始. 你也会得到其他家庭担保可能不包括的东西的保护, 比如旧的家庭系统和电器, 维护不足, 安装或维修不当, 不匹配的HVAC系统, 和更多的.
Including an 美国本土盾® home warranty in your real estate transaction can help protect your biggest investment — and your budget. 事实上,四分之一的房主在交易结束后的前60天内使用了他们的房屋保修.
是的. 要转让您的协议,请拨打833.706.2866.
You have 90 days from closing to add home warranty coverage and take advantage of the special real estate pricing.
*Tune-ups are available seasonally (spring: A/C; fall: heating) and offered by Frontdoor Pro. 您的第一次调整一个单位是免费的每个协议期限. 服务日期有限,可能因地点而异. 仅供买方使用.
**公寓/联排别墅/移动房屋不提供屋顶泄漏修复服务. 仅供买方使用.
是的. 如果你要卖掉你的房子, you can add on the Seller 报道 Option* for up to six months while your home is on the market. 点击这里 作为报价. 以下是卖方保险选项的工作原理:
是的! 在你们协议的第一年结束后, 您将有机会续保第二年. Single-family homes (multi-family properties are not included) qualify for an initial 2-year plan through our Real Estate Edition bet3365标准版计划 where you will be able to lock in your initial yearly rate for your first two years of coverage.
是的. Our New Construction home warranty can be purchased anytime within the first year after closing, 并提供4年的保险, 从2-5岁开始保护家园.
你的报道从打烊那天开始, 然而, 如果房屋担保资金的支付还没有从房屋关闭过程中收到, 您可以提交的服务请求数量可能是有限的.
如果你在房产协议到期前卖掉房子, 您可以通过拨打833将剩余的计划协议期限转让给新买家.706.2866.
您有60天的时间来更改或升级您的保险选项. 你可以打833.706.2868.
bet3365标准版的标准协议在交易结束后12个月有效. 如果你选择2年保修, your agreement term will last for 24 months and if you purchase a New Construction home warranty, your agreement term will last for four years - beginning after the builder's one-year warranty expires.